Paintings Dec 06


Paintings Dec 06
Paintings Dec 07
Multi Canvas Paintings
Paintings Dec 08


Home painting samples painting Dec 06 painting dec 07 painting multi



All my paintings are for sale or similar paintings done by request.

Prices vary depending on subject, etc. but as a rough guide a 60cm x 90cm on a Gallery mounted Canvas will be approximately £300-00. 


Simple paintings generally cost less, multi-canvass paintings will cost more

but not as much as two or three separate paintings.



Please e-mail or phone me to discuss what you would like.

Paintings and portrait commissions welcome.

The paintings below were from a commission for somebody's new house. The colours and

designs are inspired by wall colours, furnishing and bedding from the rooms they were going into.

They were both sets of 3 , each canvass approximately 2 feet square. The abstract set were very 3D in texture.

If you would like higher quality samples or would like to use my work on your web site etc, please contact me HERE

Paypal and Credit Cards Accepted.

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This site was last updated 01/11/10